Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine weekend with the Call's

wanted to post some pics of Ash and Jase's cute apartment. She has it fixed up really fun!!

Colt and I decided to drive over to Rexburg and see the kids Sat afternoon..they have a fun game room in their clubhouse with a pool table and pingpong table...we're getting very good at these games.

cupcakes Colt made for the marrieds for Valentines Day!!!

Great quote I heard in chruch today:

"BE there for your children. Sit on the bed and enjoy the late-night talks--try to stay awake! Pray for the Lord to inspire you. Forgive often. Choose your battles. Testify frequently of Jesus Christ and His goodness and of the restoration. And most of all, let them know of your unconditional love for them and your trust in the Lord!!


  1. Ashley has fixed up the apartment to look like a home. I was impressed that Colt made cupcakes. Cute family

  2. I love it so much that you like to "celebrate" just about anything! What great memories and traditions for everyone. Ash and Jason's apartment is darling. Colt we are so proud of you, what a handsome, smart, sprititual young man you are. We are a blessed family!
    Love and miss you, Mama G.
