Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, April 10, 2011

March Madness

Elk herd that lived in our neighbors yard all winter

Colt's awesome 3rd quarter report card!!! Straight A's....he worked so hard to get these grades! I'm so proud of him!!!
Our Champ loves to sit out on the snowbanks during a blizzard...its so funny!!!

I've been kindof obsessed with puzzles lately...this one was 1,500 pieces and VERY took forever..I was super excited to finish it.
Ash bought Jason a steak brand and grill for his birthday last year...Colt made us bbq'ed chicken for dinner.
our marrieds...we sure love them!!

Ash was in a choir class last semester..for her final they had to perform solos in a concert. Her teacher chose "I Dreamed a Dream" from Le Mes for her to sing. She did such a great job!! Enjoy!! apparently the video didn't download and after 4 hours, I gave up!!!

Colt on crutches

Colt was on crutches for a month after his knee cap dislocated...He got pretty good on them. He's healing well surgery was the good news we were hoping for! He has to be really careful so it doesn't dislocate again or we will be in trouble. Keeping our fingers crossed!!
We went to Rexburg for yet another visit hoping to go shopping at the awesome bookstore, of course it was closed by the time we got there :( oh well.

got there :( oh well.