Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall at our house

ok so this is Colt's idea of funny...he kept yelling my name and I didn't come right away so he decided he's drive the bike into the house and get me!!! As you can see...not a happy momma!!

wheelies wheelies and more wheelies...this child stesses me out but he sure is awesome!!!

This picture makes me laugh...Ash looks like she's so tough!

My bestie Sunnee and her cute boys came to visit for the weekend!!! We had a blast...good girl chill time!

I got these pictures mixed up...Ash took these for Jason and I thought they were so cute of her!!

Sunnee and her darling boys...Tyce, Jex and Crew

Me and my best girl!! I love her so much!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

visit to Colorado with the Conovers

The kids and I drove to Denver this weekend to visit the Conovers! We had the best time!!! I'm so impressed with this family! I can't even begin to say how much I love them! The boys were awesome and so much fun! Loved being in their beautiful home...they are such a great family!

Lindsay set this beautiful table for Sunday dinner...marinated pork loin and chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls (thanks Ash) corn and salad DELICIOUS!!!

Loved this picture...the boys went to school and here is Rocky waiting by the window for them to come home

Colt and Spence playing the piano

They are painting their house so there is a giant ladder in the living room...the boys new favorite thing to do...climb to the top!!!

having game night...we laughed our heads off for about 2 was great

Lindsay taught Ash to make rolls and chocolate chip cookies! She's never wanted to learn to cook but had so much fun learning with Linds

We love this dog....he would sit with the bone on his nose for hours until someone told him he could have it!

All the kids before church

Start of our girls night.....first we went shopping at Ross for a couple of hours, so fun!!! Then we went to Olive Garden for a very yummy, fat free, calorie free dinner....YUM!!!! :)

Last we went to the General Relief Society broadcast...great night with two great girls!!!

The boys are building a tree house...awesome, carpet and everything!!!

Colt learned to longboard while we were there

Ty the man...first game back after he got hurt...he did so great!!!

Waiting for Ty's game to start and having donuts in honor of grandpa....donuts and football on a Saturday morning...doesn't get much better than that, right dad???

I'm still not sure what this was all about

Random tree in a rock on the highway

A fun museum on the way....I love bears!!!

Stopped at a rest stop on the way, there was a monument of Abraham Lincoln..loved this picture of Colt looking like he's having a heart to heart with Abe

The pictures loaded backwards from the trip...from the end to the start! Sorry, I'm still learning!!

Video of Tyler's game...he made an awesome tackle

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!!

We went to Utah this weekend with intentions of going to Tabiona with some of the car had other plans :( we did however have a great time hanging out with the Geilmann's. I love being at their house!

The girls making jewlery and Colt building a house of cards...kindof random :) he was quiet for almost 20 minutes!

Ev making our super yummy souvalaki (I'm sure I slaughtered the spelling on that one)

Great picture of grandma Kathy and some of her grandkids...snuggling is the best!!!

Ian and Champy are best buddies...Ian lays on the floor and lets Champ lick him...he (Champ) is in heaven!!!

Lagoon with the Geilmann's

Colt went to Lagoon with Nolan, Ev, Shelbs and Ian for the day! So nice of them to take him..he had a blast!!!

Colt won this monkey for grandma Kathy...He could honestly spend hundreds of dollars on these stupid games and play them all day!!!

Isn't this the cutest picture of the three of them??? I love it!!

Look at the concentration on their faces!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

1st day of school

Colts first day of school was fabulous...whew!!! He has all man teachers which I wasn't sure was going to be a good thing, cuz the women always seem to like him but he said the guys are all cool so I'm happy about that! He has PE and woodworking for his electives...good choices this semester! He looks so handsome when he leaves in the grown up! Its funny how much time he spends on his hair..he would die if he knew I wrote that!! Sure do love my kiddos!! Its always such a relief when the first day is over and there are still smiles at the end of the day!!! YEAH!!!!

Colt and Champ

Our family!!!

My studly 8th grade boy!! He's so handsome!!!

Colt getting a huge hug from Ash who by the way is very happy to NOT be going to school this morning!

Ash made this sign out of paper towels for stretched all the way across the kitchen!! Notice it says Great Luck instead of Good Luck....what awesome kids I have!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Weekend!!!

This weekend was wonderful! I got to go to the temple Saturday morning for the first time in quite a few was very spiritual! My friend Christy went with me, it was a lovely day and much needed!

Colt wanted me to take him and his buddies to a movie, since its the weekend before school starts, we went to see Salt with Angelina Jolie...pretty good flick :) He starts 8th grade tomorrow..that is blowing my mind! He's actually pretty nervous, hope all goes well for him!

I had to speak in Sacrament Meeting not my favorite thing to topic was Personal Revelation! It went pretty well, I guess although I wish I were a better public speaker and could just give a talk instead of always reading what I have but its ok right? I enjoyed the talk I prepared and learned alot!

I love Sunday afternoons! Both of my children are here and we get to just relax and be favorite thing!

There is a bitter chill in the air tonight...feels like fall is around the corner and I absolutely love this time of year! Yeah for autumn leaves, hooded sweatshirts, hot chocolate, homemade soup, fall decorations and school starting!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Girls night out!!!

Tuesday Ashley took me up to Jackson to the resort she works for and had a surprise facial scheduled for me...aaah so needed....she paid for it and everything, she's such a wonderful girl! She also won a dinner gift certificate for two to a fancy restaurant up there so we got to have a dinner date too! She ordered the most expensive things on the menu, just because she could..she had mac and cheese with lobster (weird I know) a kobe beef filet steak and somekind of fancy ice cream and chocolate cookies....I had a fabulous salad with tomatoes, which I hate, but there's something about fancy restaurant tomatoes that are tasty :) , grilled halibut and a bosenberry mini milkshake with lemon tarts...YUM!!!! It was super delicious and very FREE!!!! We had a great time...we laughed our heads off at dinner at silly things....she's such a great daughter and friend!!

My tiny tiny milkshake..isn't it funny how the more you have to pay for a meal, the less you get? Ash showing me the Spa Attendant station at the resort she works at

One of the rooms she does massages in.....aah doesn't a massage sound nice right now??

Ash about to eat her Macaroni and Cheese and Lobster...quite a combination!!!

a toast to girls and my favorite girl!!