Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Monday, August 30, 2010

1st day of school

Colts first day of school was fabulous...whew!!! He has all man teachers which I wasn't sure was going to be a good thing, cuz the women always seem to like him but he said the guys are all cool so I'm happy about that! He has PE and woodworking for his electives...good choices this semester! He looks so handsome when he leaves in the grown up! Its funny how much time he spends on his hair..he would die if he knew I wrote that!! Sure do love my kiddos!! Its always such a relief when the first day is over and there are still smiles at the end of the day!!! YEAH!!!!

Colt and Champ

Our family!!!

My studly 8th grade boy!! He's so handsome!!!

Colt getting a huge hug from Ash who by the way is very happy to NOT be going to school this morning!

Ash made this sign out of paper towels for stretched all the way across the kitchen!! Notice it says Great Luck instead of Good Luck....what awesome kids I have!!

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