Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Weekend!!!

This weekend was wonderful! I got to go to the temple Saturday morning for the first time in quite a few was very spiritual! My friend Christy went with me, it was a lovely day and much needed!

Colt wanted me to take him and his buddies to a movie, since its the weekend before school starts, we went to see Salt with Angelina Jolie...pretty good flick :) He starts 8th grade tomorrow..that is blowing my mind! He's actually pretty nervous, hope all goes well for him!

I had to speak in Sacrament Meeting not my favorite thing to topic was Personal Revelation! It went pretty well, I guess although I wish I were a better public speaker and could just give a talk instead of always reading what I have but its ok right? I enjoyed the talk I prepared and learned alot!

I love Sunday afternoons! Both of my children are here and we get to just relax and be favorite thing!

There is a bitter chill in the air tonight...feels like fall is around the corner and I absolutely love this time of year! Yeah for autumn leaves, hooded sweatshirts, hot chocolate, homemade soup, fall decorations and school starting!

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