Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Monday, August 30, 2010

1st day of school

Colts first day of school was fabulous...whew!!! He has all man teachers which I wasn't sure was going to be a good thing, cuz the women always seem to like him but he said the guys are all cool so I'm happy about that! He has PE and woodworking for his electives...good choices this semester! He looks so handsome when he leaves in the grown up! Its funny how much time he spends on his hair..he would die if he knew I wrote that!! Sure do love my kiddos!! Its always such a relief when the first day is over and there are still smiles at the end of the day!!! YEAH!!!!

Colt and Champ

Our family!!!

My studly 8th grade boy!! He's so handsome!!!

Colt getting a huge hug from Ash who by the way is very happy to NOT be going to school this morning!

Ash made this sign out of paper towels for stretched all the way across the kitchen!! Notice it says Great Luck instead of Good Luck....what awesome kids I have!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Weekend!!!

This weekend was wonderful! I got to go to the temple Saturday morning for the first time in quite a few was very spiritual! My friend Christy went with me, it was a lovely day and much needed!

Colt wanted me to take him and his buddies to a movie, since its the weekend before school starts, we went to see Salt with Angelina Jolie...pretty good flick :) He starts 8th grade tomorrow..that is blowing my mind! He's actually pretty nervous, hope all goes well for him!

I had to speak in Sacrament Meeting not my favorite thing to topic was Personal Revelation! It went pretty well, I guess although I wish I were a better public speaker and could just give a talk instead of always reading what I have but its ok right? I enjoyed the talk I prepared and learned alot!

I love Sunday afternoons! Both of my children are here and we get to just relax and be favorite thing!

There is a bitter chill in the air tonight...feels like fall is around the corner and I absolutely love this time of year! Yeah for autumn leaves, hooded sweatshirts, hot chocolate, homemade soup, fall decorations and school starting!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Girls night out!!!

Tuesday Ashley took me up to Jackson to the resort she works for and had a surprise facial scheduled for me...aaah so needed....she paid for it and everything, she's such a wonderful girl! She also won a dinner gift certificate for two to a fancy restaurant up there so we got to have a dinner date too! She ordered the most expensive things on the menu, just because she could..she had mac and cheese with lobster (weird I know) a kobe beef filet steak and somekind of fancy ice cream and chocolate cookies....I had a fabulous salad with tomatoes, which I hate, but there's something about fancy restaurant tomatoes that are tasty :) , grilled halibut and a bosenberry mini milkshake with lemon tarts...YUM!!!! It was super delicious and very FREE!!!! We had a great time...we laughed our heads off at dinner at silly things....she's such a great daughter and friend!!

My tiny tiny milkshake..isn't it funny how the more you have to pay for a meal, the less you get? Ash showing me the Spa Attendant station at the resort she works at

One of the rooms she does massages in.....aah doesn't a massage sound nice right now??

Ash about to eat her Macaroni and Cheese and Lobster...quite a combination!!!

a toast to girls and my favorite girl!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Great Kids

Colt and grandma Sherrel...grandma loves the kisses...Colt not so much!!!
This picture makes me Ash and Colt!!! Ash is very photogenic and loves her picture taken...Colt is a clown and hates his taken!!!
My beautiful Ashley

The kids both got paid for their summer thats alot of cash!!
racing go-carts in Idaho Falls

Visit with Grandpa Storey

Ash gave grandpa a manicure while we were there....It was so great to spend time with him but also a very sad! He's so frail and tired...Its probably the last time we will see him on earth. I'm so thankful for the strong man he's always been in my life and I love him very much!

Geilmann Family Yeah! Yeah!

The whole Geilmann family...thanks to my baby sister Shelli for making this all happen! We all look GRRRR8!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Trying to be a blogger!!!

I'm trying out this new blog thing at the request of my wonderful parents who are in Ireland serving a mission! I gotta tell ya..its a lot harder than I thought! I really enjoy looking at other peoples blogs but not so much making my own so any suggestions would be very appreciated! I'm going to give it a goes!!!!!
My Awesome Awesome kids!!!