Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Because I have been given much.....

It was a wonderful weekend!!! The marrieds came home with their new dog in tow, Prince. Ash told Jase if he was going to work nights she had to have a dog. They adopted him from the pound here in Star Valley. For the most part he's a great dog except for the fact that he runs away! He thinks its a great game to play, especially with Jason. Anytime Jason calls his name when he's outside he takes off running the other way as fast as he can go. This might be a problem in Rexburg...we'll see!

Colt was ordained a teacher after church today. Jason and Ash were here so Jase was able to ordain him! What a great spiritual family experience it was! We are so blessed!!!

Our family time together these days is spent playing board games...we LOVE them!!! Our new favorite is called Ticket to Ride...has anyone heard of it???? Its great fun! We also love Monopoly and Pit. I love the weekends we are all together.

We are dog/housesitting for my neighbor Marti up on the hill above my house this week. Its a major P in the A (Colt hates it) but she pays me well and I can use the extra money...we spent our Sunday afternoon making Valentine cards and playing pool and air hockey in her basement.

I love my kids so much....feeling very blessed this weekend! Oh and I decided to follow my sister Andrea's example and have officially given up Diet Dr. Pepper!!! Yeah for the healthy Geilmann sisters!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas 2010

trying to take family Christmas pictures..Colt pushed me down and I pulled Ash with me..FREEZING

Christmas at grandma Kathy's

playing games with the Geilmann's

the girls got necklaces from grandma

Christmas glad the marrieds were there with us!!

Colt looking for the goods...stockings are our family favorite

so my tree this year...the kids went up in the mountains while I was at work and cut this one down...Colt tried to thin it out a bit..ok a little too much and then they put it in a big pot cuz we didn't have a tree stand! Can you say Charlie Brown tree?? I love it though cuz the kids did it for me :)

reception favorites

random picture..but it shows how cute the centerpieces and decorations are the after the dance dip/kiss

some of their buddies

my bestie Sunnee..made the trip up to see me

Ash insisted on having "Go Team Call" on the top of the cake..she's a funny girl

flowers by Uncle Dev...always a show stopper

Close friends and one of Cort's first bosses Dixon and Julie Hyde came up from Ogden..great surprise, especially for Cort!!
The Call Family

They do this ALOT

Our happy

dancing with her daddy..she was amazed he could dance :)

me and Colt tried really hard to dance, but didn't do very well
cutting the cake...Jason was threated with his life not to smash cake in Ash's face...just paid to have the dress cleaned $165..wasn't doing it again

Maid of Honor (Kirsten Gray) and flower girls..Kenzie and Tally

Best man and maid of honor

The Call's and the Gray's

the blushing bride..she was so happy all night, she just floated around

best moment beautiful little girl

couldn't take pictures doing this in the temple, glad we had another opportunity

Jason being so helpful, putting on his wifes sock in the womens bathroom...he said, "well there's 2 notches from my man card"

Happy 14th Birthday to my "little man"

Love these kids!!!!
I'm not very good at getting my pictures in order on this blog..sorry!! Ash fell off after trying to do tricks (see picture below)

Happy Birthday Colt...sooo can't believe he's 14 already!!

the happy!!! We love them

All Colt wanted for his birthday was crab legs for dinner...thanks to Cort he got his wish!! loves these..except me..YUCK!!!!

He would live on this thing if he could!!! He worked all summer for his dad to buy this sled...He said, "she's the love of my life"

Ash trying to be tricky like Colt..they had a blast!!

Happy Birthday to you!!! Colt loves my cheesecake...made 75 mini's for the reception whats one more! Jason thought he's be clever and made it a "happy" birthday cake..get it, candles in a smiling face!

The whole fam damily!!

He needed and really wanted an avalanche beacon (snowmobiling thing) for his birthday,thanks again to his dad..for what it cost that thing better dig him out of an avalanche..sheeesh!!!