Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 14th Birthday to my "little man"

Love these kids!!!!
I'm not very good at getting my pictures in order on this blog..sorry!! Ash fell off after trying to do tricks (see picture below)

Happy Birthday Colt...sooo can't believe he's 14 already!!

the happy!!! We love them

All Colt wanted for his birthday was crab legs for dinner...thanks to Cort he got his wish!! loves these..except me..YUCK!!!!

He would live on this thing if he could!!! He worked all summer for his dad to buy this sled...He said, "she's the love of my life"

Ash trying to be tricky like Colt..they had a blast!!

Happy Birthday to you!!! Colt loves my cheesecake...made 75 mini's for the reception whats one more! Jason thought he's be clever and made it a "happy" birthday cake..get it, candles in a smiling face!

The whole fam damily!!

He needed and really wanted an avalanche beacon (snowmobiling thing) for his birthday,thanks again to his dad..for what it cost that thing better dig him out of an avalanche..sheeesh!!!


  1. Great pics Melis, loved all the wedding pics, almost felt like we were there. Colt looks like
    he had another awesome birthday, can't believe he's 14! We love looking at your blog, thanks for updating. Lovies, Mom and Dad G. in Ireland!!

  2. Thanks for all the updates. They newlyweds look so happy, and Colt is so talented with all the stuff he does. It's hard to believe we were standing holding that handsome young man 14 years ago.
    Love ya,
