Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

reception favorites

random picture..but it shows how cute the centerpieces and decorations are the after the dance dip/kiss

some of their buddies

my bestie Sunnee..made the trip up to see me

Ash insisted on having "Go Team Call" on the top of the cake..she's a funny girl

flowers by Uncle Dev...always a show stopper

Close friends and one of Cort's first bosses Dixon and Julie Hyde came up from Ogden..great surprise, especially for Cort!!
The Call Family

They do this ALOT

Our happy

dancing with her daddy..she was amazed he could dance :)

me and Colt tried really hard to dance, but didn't do very well
cutting the cake...Jason was threated with his life not to smash cake in Ash's face...just paid to have the dress cleaned $165..wasn't doing it again

Maid of Honor (Kirsten Gray) and flower girls..Kenzie and Tally

Best man and maid of honor

The Call's and the Gray's

the blushing bride..she was so happy all night, she just floated around

best moment beautiful little girl

couldn't take pictures doing this in the temple, glad we had another opportunity

Jason being so helpful, putting on his wifes sock in the womens bathroom...he said, "well there's 2 notches from my man card"

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