Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Because I have been given much.....

It was a wonderful weekend!!! The marrieds came home with their new dog in tow, Prince. Ash told Jase if he was going to work nights she had to have a dog. They adopted him from the pound here in Star Valley. For the most part he's a great dog except for the fact that he runs away! He thinks its a great game to play, especially with Jason. Anytime Jason calls his name when he's outside he takes off running the other way as fast as he can go. This might be a problem in Rexburg...we'll see!

Colt was ordained a teacher after church today. Jason and Ash were here so Jase was able to ordain him! What a great spiritual family experience it was! We are so blessed!!!

Our family time together these days is spent playing board games...we LOVE them!!! Our new favorite is called Ticket to Ride...has anyone heard of it???? Its great fun! We also love Monopoly and Pit. I love the weekends we are all together.

We are dog/housesitting for my neighbor Marti up on the hill above my house this week. Its a major P in the A (Colt hates it) but she pays me well and I can use the extra money...we spent our Sunday afternoon making Valentine cards and playing pool and air hockey in her basement.

I love my kids so much....feeling very blessed this weekend! Oh and I decided to follow my sister Andrea's example and have officially given up Diet Dr. Pepper!!! Yeah for the healthy Geilmann sisters!!!


  1. Woohoo! Way to go, sister! It has been a month for me and I tell ya, I haven't had ONE headache in all this time. I sure miss it on some days, but I feel better. Now, on to training for that relay marathon, right?! We will be healthy yet!
    Your family is darling and I love that you guys enjoy your time togehter. Congrats to Colt!

  2. Now why are all my sisters giving up such a big part of my life... I love my Diet Coke, and I don't want to be the loser sister who has no self control... dang it...peer pressure! Am I going to give in... well I guess we will see. Do I have to give up Excedrin?!?! Just kiddin... loved your post Melis.. you are are a wonderful mom! I love playing games with you and Colt- such fun! And I LOVE your Rhianna song.. love that one! And way to go Colt- we love you so much! What a wonderful boy you are, and a great example to my boys! I love you sis...

  3. I am proud to say I will not be giving up my diet coke anytime soon. My trip to the gas station every morning is my only peace and quiet. Therefore diet coke must stay in my life. :) I love the game ticket to ride too. My parents have it and it is quite fun. We are such a board game family too. We should play the next time you come down. Loves and kisses!!!!!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend. I'm proud of all the good things your family is doing
