Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm the luckiest momma in the world!!!!

Colt made dinner for us on Mother's Day...we had ribs, shrimp, and salad. He is a great cook and loves to do it, even better. Maybe he'll be a famous chef someday.

Yum!!! Shrimp my absolute favorite!!!
Jase showing us the Ireland colors...we miss our Ireland family!!!!
Colt also made this cake...Yellow cake with chocolate frosting!!! So good!!!
5K race...woo hoo

1st 5K race....The hospital sponsored this race. My the whole way and finish in under 45 minuted, both of which I did. YEAH me!!!! I've never been a runner and always wanted to be so when I turned 40 I decided what the heck...I'll try it!! I'm addicted!!!

Me and Ash after the race...We did it!!!

My buddies....talked them into doing it with me too! De'ja, my friend from work Kris, my all around buddy and of course my sweet Ash!


  1. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting = my favorite! See, I really do read your blog! :)

  2. Way to go Melis and Ash! I'm so proud of you! Lodaja (sp?!?) next summer woooo woooo!!

    ps, I love that your kids are so sweet and made you a cake for mother's day.
