Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial weekend

Memorial Day hanging out at the cemetery in the freezing downpour...our tradition is to go and have quarter pounders with cheese and chocolate donuts there with grandpa Jim, they were his favorite.

Colt is taking care of the headstone, cleaning it up.

we also went up to see G & G Geilmann's grave. They have a beautiful spot in the cemetery.
Luncheon at Uncle Mike and Aunt Donna's house after Aunt Marcia's homecoming talk in Sacrament Meeting. Doesn't she look great??? Shelli, Mike and the girls were there too but they left a little early.


  1. We loved seeing the picture of our family at the luncheon, THANK YOU for attending Aunt Marcia's homecoming, I know it meant the world to her. Lovies, Mama G.
