Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Liss Colt Ash and Jase

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Super Fun 40th Birthday Weekend!!!!

so happy grandma came to share in our fun!!

the girls at Tally's house for our sister party! Blowing out the candles on my cheesecake, YUM!! We also had Cafe Rio salads...super YUM!!! Had a blast!! So great to all be together, (sorry Linds) Tal was the perfect hostess!
Tally bought baby Geilmann his first Ireland cute!!!
putting on my new bracelet, which I love BTW
group shot minus Anna who took the picture for us :)
twinners....Karsyn loved wearing the birthday crown, matched her favorite pink dress :)
Playing Just Dance on WII...SO FUN!!! This game is a must! Anna kicked all of our butts!
Marns really got into it...look at her face! Priceless
no more monkeys jumping on the bed! Top bunk in CHris' room..they loved this
Sweet Gracie and her beautiful sister playing the piano. Gracie was a die hard party girl!
Lunch...gramps and Colt having a chat
Marns and Bennie Boo...Robb did Ben's hair and poor Reesie walked in with messy crazy hair for mom to funny!
Shy Shy really wanted to come in for the party...Gracie wanted her to too...she stood there most of the day!
skyping with grandma and grandpa in Ireland...the babies LOVE doing this...They all wanted papa!!!!
doing our pedis
Went to Toads (Arcade) that night for more fun! The marrieds at the batting cages.
I rocked the batting cages.....didn't miss any of my pitches~yeah thats right, I'm the bomb!!
Ash made shirts for me, her and my mom to wear....the back of mine
the girls in our shirts!!! Love them!!
my bestie Sunshine came to Toads with her boys to play!!
Nolan racing go carts...he is really excited!!
The marrieds racing each other....
Crew shooting the BIG cute (love this kid)
me and my little brother
mini golfing at was freezing!
my present from Colt...cutest shoes ever! Love them!!
my family...birthday dinner and presents (and of course another crown)
love these two....they bring me JOY beyond reason!!!
Family pics in front of the temple..thnx Shelli, despite my grumpy bang issues~they turned out great!

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